You Can Do Better

by Damian Ross
Founder, The Self Defense Company

“If you want something other people don’t have you must be willing to do what other people won’t.”

Every week I get messages from people with a litany of excuses as to why they can’t learn to defend themselves – from the financial to the physical and to that I call BULLSHIT. 

I don’t care HOW BAD you think your situation is…YOU CAN DO BETTER. 

If someone gave you one year to do twenty pull ups you probably couldn’t do it. 

But if someone gave you that same year and added a $100,000.00 bonus – I bet you would find a way.

The point is this, when properly motivated – YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. 

If you approached everything you wanted with a REAL do or die attitude. I would bet my bottom dollar that you would be successful in ANYTHING you wanted to do. 

Your WILL and your potential are boundless. 

The only person who sets limits on you…IS YOU. 

Did you ever hear of Nick Vujicic?

This guys FINDS A WAY. 

Check him out…

There are people ALL AROUND YOU who are overcoming incredible set backs – some are literally staring death in the face…and the difference between YOU and THEM is that they don’t let their circumstances define them.

THEY FIND A WAY…. as if their lives depends on it…because it does. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s defending yourself or running your business or finding a job. You must pursue what you want with unrelenting persistence. 

Think life is always easy for me???

In high school I was a highly recruited two sport athlete. In my final game of my senior year I tore ligaments in my knee. No scholarship for me. 

Later my wife an I lost our first baby at 6 months. 

Then my business partner tried to ruin my reputation and literally stole 1.2 million dollars. 

I went from making A LOT to ZERO in one day. 

But through all of those situations I became a stronger and better person. 

When I blew out my knee I was forced to look at other athletic and academic challenges and turned to martial arts. 

After we lost the baby my wife and I became closer and better understanding people. 

When my business partner and I split, I launched the Self Defense Company with my wife and now live a better and more productive life. 

But those are just the highlights because EVERY DAY I fight. 

With every new setback lies a challenge and in that challenge is an opportunity to test myself and get better. 

Every failure is teaching you something and if you bitch and complain about it – you’re just wasting your time. 

My favorite motto from Judo is “Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight”. 

It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down – it only matters how many times you GET UP!

Don’t you want to INSPIRE people?

When you complain about how bad you have it you should know two things: 

  1. There are people around you who have it much worse. 
  2. Deep down, no one really gives a shit about your problems – in fact, many people like to hear that you’re doing poorly – it makes them feel better about themselves. 

Every day you have a choice – make your life better or make it worse.

FIND A WAY – You can do better.

Train Honestly, 

Damian Ross


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