
The Eight Signs of Terrorism

Forsyth man accused of planning attack on White House

A man who had allegedly radicalized and planned to be a “martyr” laid out his plans to undercover FBI agents for attacks on the White House, other monuments and a synagogue, prior to being arrested, according to an FBI affidavit.

Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, was charged with “attempt to damage by means of an explosive” after the Joint Terrorism Task Force received a tip from the community.

“As articulated in the affidavit supporting the complaint, his alleged intent was to attack the White House and other targets of opportunity in the Washington, D.C. area,” according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The weapons he allegedly planned to use included “semi-automatic weapons, improvised explosive devices, an AT-4 (shoulder-fired anti-armor weapon) and hand grenades.” 

I know we say this often, but the days of leaving your home and NOT being on high alert are over. 

The biggest challenge civilians face is shifting from the every day mindset to battle mode. Even soldiers on leave and off duty police have difficulty making this transaction. 

The reason is simple, your expectations in civilian life are different. When going on patrol or responding to a call you have time to ready yourself for conflict. You have gathered intelligence, a plan of execution and the uncertainty of conflict is removed. You have a mission objective and the green light to use force. 

As a civilian, when you leave your house you’re focused on the mission as well, but instead of kill the enemy or protect and serve your mission is to get to work, pick up the kids, go to school, study, get to practice and all of the other tasks that make up a life.

You mentally prepare for your daily missions – all of which usually don’t involve terror. 

Until now…

The time has come to include:  Look for signs of terror and report anything out of the ordinary. 

Homeland Security recently released this check list for the “Eight Signs of Terrorism” to help you do this. 

Terrorist operations usually begin with extensive planning and you can help prevent and detect terrorism — and other types of crime — by watching out for suspicious activities and reporting them to the proper authorities. Even the “lone terrorist” goes through a few or all of these steps. 

1. Surveillance

Someone recording or monitoring activities. This may include the use of cameras, note taking, drawing diagrams, annotating on maps, or using binoculars or other vision-enhancing devices.

2. Elicitation

People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities, or people. Elicitation attempts may be made by mail, email, telephone, or in person. This could also include eavesdropping or friendly conversation.

3. Tests of Security

Any attempts to measure reaction times to security breaches, attempts to penetrate physical security barriers, or monitor procedures in order to assess strengths and weaknesses.

4. Funding

Suspicious transactions involving large cash payments, deposits, or withdrawals are common signs of terrorist funding. Collections for donations, the solicitation for money and criminal activity are also warning signs.

5. Supplies

Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, etc. This also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) and any other controlled items.

6. Impersonation

People who don’t seem to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, business establishment, or anywhere else. This includes suspicious border crossings, the impersonation of law enforcement, military personnel, or company employees is also a sign.

7. Rehearsal

Putting people in position and moving them around according to their plan without actually committing the terrorist act. An element of this activity could also include mapping out routes and determining the timing of traffic lights and flow.

8. Deployment

People and supplies getting into position to commit the act. This is the person’s last chance to alert authorities before the terrorist act occurs.

Here’s a video on the Eight Signs of Terror

We’re all in this together. 

To access more training that can PREPARE you….CLICK HERE


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