Never Forget

On this day we pause….but what is it that we will “Never Forget”?

Do we want to remember the heinous acts committed against us on that day? Or do we want to aspire to remembering something better?

We should always grieve at the loss of the innocents that we suffered on that day. It is entirely fitting that we should do so. In doing so, we will inevitably be reminded of the barbaric, cowardly acts that took them from us.

But let us not dwell on the evil that befell us, for that is what the perpetrators would have wanted. Instead, let us remember with sadness the loss that we suffered, and let us remember with pride the coming together of our nation that followed. For after the tragedy, we were united in a way that I wish would return. We were united in a way that brought dread fear to the evil that wished destruction upon us. We were all Americans.

So let this day be a remembrance for the fallen. Also, let it be a renewal of unity as Americans. Put aside, at least for today, our petty differences and resolve that we are all Americans again, now, and forever.

This will be my only post on this solemn day.

Semper Fidelis,



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